With this guide, you will configure monitoring of HyperNode, Klaytn and the server. To do this, we will use Prometheus + node_exporter + Grafana.
It is not recommended to install monitoring systems on the server where HyperNode is running. Any other server with 2 CPUs and 4 GB RAM will do.
Official links:
You can install the necessary components using the official documentation or use our boot scripts.
<aside> 💡 For Prometheus and Grafana to work, ports 90 and 3000 must be opened.
How to open ports 90 and 3000
Prometheus is a time series database that collects and aggregates all the necessary metrics for further work with them.
Install Prometheus using a script:
wget -q -O [prometheus.sh](<http://prometheus.sh/>) [<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodeLogs/main/main/prometheus.sh>](<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodeLogs/main/main/prometheus.sh>) && chmod +x [prometheus.sh](<http://prometheus.sh/>) && sudo /bin/bash [prometheus.s](<http://prometheus.sh/>)h
Check the version of the installed Prometheus prometheus --version
Enable Prometheus systemctl start prometheus
Check the service status systemctl status prometheus